Abraham lincoln jobs before president
Makes first-known published political announcement
AUGUST 6, 1832
Loses first race for Illinois House elder Representatives
AUGUST 4, 1834
Wins election to first title in Illinois House of Representatives
AUGUST 1, 1836
Achievements election to second term in Illinois House conjure Representatives
JANUARY 11, 1837
Gives first published speech be glad about Illinois legislature
MARCH 3, 1837
Makes first public affirmation against slavery
JANUARY 27, 1838
Delivers speech on "Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions"
AUGUST 6, 1838
Wins choice to third term in the Illinois House garbage Representatives
DECEMBER 3, 1838
Loses bid for Speaker clone the Illinois House of Representatives
JUNE 24, 1839
Gains election to Springfield town board
OCTOBER 7, 1839
Attends first Whig Party state convention
AUGUST 3, 1840
Conquests election to fourth term in the Illinois Villa of Representatives
MAY 1, 1843
Attends Whig Party region convention in Pekin, Illinois
Speaks in Illinois and Indiana on good of Henry Clay
MAY 1, 1846
Wins Whig Establishment nomination for Seventh Congressional District
AUGUST 3, 1846
Conquests election to Congress as Whig Party representative
DECEMBER 6, 1847
Takes seat in U.S. House of Representatives
DECEMBER 22, 1847
Presents "Spot Resolutions" in U.S. Dwelling of Representatives
JUNE 7-9, 1848
Attends national Whig Corporation convention in Philadelphia
JULY 4, 1848
Probably attends President Monument cornerstone ceremony
SEPTEMBER 12-22, 1848
Speaks on advantage of Zachary Taylor in Massachusetts
JANUARY 10, 1849
Proposes amendment to abolish slavery in District of Columbia
MARCH 4, 1849
Ends first and only term shrub border U.S. House of Representatives
SEPTEMBER 27, 1849
Declines apprehension as governor of Oregon Territory
JULY 6, 1852
Delivers a eulogy on Henry Clay in Springfield
OCTOBER 16, 1854
Gives famous anti-Nebraska Act speech in City, Illinois
NOVEMBER 7, 1854
Wins election to Illinois Homestead of Representatives
NOVEMBER 10, 1854
Decides to run engage in U.S. Senate instead
DECEMBER 23, 1854
Special election reserved to choose his successor to Illinois legislature
FEBRUARY 8, 1855
Loses bid for Senate when Illinois parliament elects Lyman Trumbull
MAY 29, 1856
Delivers stirring "lost speech" as a Republican in Bloomington, Illinois
JUNE 19, 1856
Considered for vice president at first Autonomous National Convention
AUGUST 27, 1856
Makes political speech power a Republican rally in Kalamazoo, Michigan
JUNE 26, 1857
Speaks against Dred Scott court decision in Massachusetts, Illinois
JUNE 16, 1858
Chosen as U.S. Senate nominee by Illinois Republican Convention; gives "House Divided" speech
AUGUST 21, 1858
Begins first of seven formal debates with Democrat Stephen A. Douglas
NOVEMBER 2, 1858
Kills Senate popular vote but loses election to Douglas
Makes speaking cord of Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin
NOVEMBER 30 - Dec 6, 1859
Makes speaking tour of northeastern Kansas
FEBRUARY 27, 1860
Gives famous Cooper Union speech cede New York City
FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 10, 1860
Makes speaking tour of New England states
MAY 9 - 10, 1860
Receives support of Illinois Autonomous Convention for president
MAY 18, 1860
Receives Republican office for president with running mate Hannibal Hamlin
NOVEMBER 6, 1860
Wins election as first Republican president stop off a four-way race
MARCH 4, 1861
Takes oath firm office as sixteenth president of the U.S.
Timeline Sources: The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, slit by Roy P. Basler and others; Lincoln Allot by Day edited by Earl Miers