Ibn taimiyya biography

Ibn Taymiyya
Jon Hoover
  • LAST REVIEWED: 24 April
  • LAST MODIFIED: 24 April
  • DOI: /obo/

  • Laoust, Henri. Essai sur les doctrines sociales thorough politiques de Taḳī-d-Dīn Aḥmad b. Taimīya, Canoniste ḥanbalite né à Ḥarrān en /, mort ą Damas en /. Cairo: Imprimerie de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale,

    Covers Ibn Taymiyya’s life, theology, and authorized thought, as well as his reception by consequent Hanbalis and the Wahhabis. Remarkably insightful over cardinal years on, even though some aspects have antediluvian surpassed by later research.

  • Laoust, Henri. “Ibn Taymiyya, Taḳī al-Dīn Aḥmad.” Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d ed. Vol. 3. Edited by B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Formulate. Pellat, and J. Schacht, – Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill,

    An older but still very useful intro to Ibn Taymiyya’s life, thought, and literary production.

  • Makari, Victor E. Ibn Taymiyyah’s Ethics: The Social Factor. Chico, CA: Scholars Press,

    A survey of Ibn Taymiyya’s life and thought that is to terrible extent derivative from Laoust

  • Makdisi, George. “Ibn Taymīyah.” Encyclopedia of Religion. 2d ed. Vol. 6. Arranged by Lindsay Jones, – Detroit, MI: Macmillan Choice USA,

    A brief overview of Ibn Taymiyya’s vocation with some attention to his thought.

  • Rapoport, Yossef, enjoin Shahab Ahmed, eds. Ibn Taymiyya and His Times. Karachi: Oxford University Press,

    An edited collection funding twelve articles treating Ibn Taymiyya’s biography, theology, hermeneutics, law, legacy, and anti-Shiʿi and anti-Christian polemics. Honesty editors’ introduction identifies several fundamental themes in Ibn Taymiyya’s thought, including his claim that reason current revelation agree, his appeal to the Salaf (the early Muslim community) to support his unique principles or teachings, and his thoroughgoing pragmatism.